The winter months are often less bright than during the warmer months of the year, as days are shorter and the sun appears not to be so strong.
This time can be an excellent opportunity to get your skin in tip-top condition, repairing and replenishing the skin so your complexion can return to its usual radiant look.
During the summer, spending time in the sun’s UV rays can contribute to damaging the skin’s cells, which in turn can lead to premature ageing and issues with pigmentation. And although many of us take steps to protect our skin when the sun is shining at its brightest, it is found that we don’t always go far enough; using SPF that is not as high as it should be and not applying it enough times throughout the day.
Before we know it, spring will be with us and we can get to enjoy more of the great outdoors. Prepping your skin ready for the change in season can help brush away the dullness of winter so you can step out looking lovely!
At The Bloom Clinic, repairing and replenishing your appearance can be achieved with Dermalux LED – a phototherapy based treatment that uses a range of light technologies to restore a refreshed and radiant look. This treatment triggers a range of responses in the skin as different wavelengths of light are absorbed by the living cells; encouraging old skin cells to be repaired and regenerated.
When the skin’s cells work more efficiently, it can produce a variety of rejuvenating benefits as the appearance looks fresher, younger and more luminous. There are several types of light that help bring about different results:
Red light delivers anti-ageing and natural healing properties to the skin, whilst also improving circulation and lymphatic drainage;
Blue light has anti-inflammatory properties which benefit congested and acne-prone skin, as well as reducing enlarged pores and the build-up of excess oil;
Red and Blue light combined helps to calm sensitive skin and reduce inflammation;
Infrared light penetrates the skin at a deeper level to reduce lines and wrinkles, scarring and stretch marks, also giving the appearance a plumper and firmer look.
Whether one treatment produces the results you desire or if a series of sessions are needed to enhance your look, at The Bloom Clinic you can step out of the darkness and into the light with Dermalux LED.
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